
Hello, this is freaks wid u,
We are from Dammam, KSA.
In this blog we'll goin to show u
our stuff that we'll gonna sell.
Hope that u'll enjoy !!

Chat box

Creat!ve ppl
Nada shop
moments group

مايو 2009
أكتوبر 2009
نوفمبر 2009
ديسمبر 2009

We're Freaks <3

الأحد، 10 مايو 2009
Hello ,
This is FREAKS , JoJo "johnny no name ,freak johnny " dis is me lol
.I'm 21 yrs, live in Dammam, Ksa
.MeMo "JoJo's Sis " H3 18 yrs , 1st year in university
.BeBo "JoJo+MeMo's relative" in da last year in high school
.DoDo " BeBo's sis " H3 in da first year in high school
this will be our shop , we will update our stuff here
and we'll begin to update our stuff after 2 or 3 months from now, In shallah
See ya~